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Zdjęcie Cieszyna

12th century - Construction of the rotunda on Castle Hill

The Cieszyn rotunda – the most recognizable monument of the town, was probably established at the end of the 12th century within the castellan fort at Castle Hill. In the manuscript sources, the earliest mention of it comes from 1223, when it appears in the documents as a chapel dedicated to Saint Nicholas. Initially, it was a parish church for the residents of Cieszyn, and after the establishment of the Duchy of Cieszyn and the conversion of Cieszyn castle from a castellan’s residence to a prince’s residence, it became the castle chapel.

Projekt dofinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków
Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego
 w ramach Programu Interreg V-A Republika Czeska – Polska